
As you might have guessed, I’m Mel, better known as Blue on-line; Welcome to my site. Don’t mind the mess, I am in the process of revamping once again, so bear with me.

I am a 56 year old born and bred Nova Scotian with NL roots. My Father was from Carbonear NL and my Mom from Stewiacke NS.
I am a high school and Bible College graduate who is a sinner and forgiven. Now don’t let that scare you for I am a person who doesn’t preach, it’s enough to keep myself in line and besides, what a person believes is their own choice and none of my business, unless you want to have a sharing of ideas then hey, that could be enlightening for both of us 😉
I was married to a wonderful man, Curtis for nearly 25 years until he passed away 8 1/2 years ago. His story can be read at a site I made to help others with his rare cancer; under “Curtis’ Wish”.
I have a son Matthew and a daughter Sarah who is no longer with me; she died of SIDS in 1988. Sarah’s story can be read here.
I have worked in the hospitality Industry for well over 35 years as a cook/baker. and am now on CP disability. I play guitar, sing, paint and love any kind of craft on the go. I love a good party and to have a good time.

When my son went to college, we got our first computer and ventured on-line and I have been hooked ever since LOL. I gravitated to Newfoundland forums/kitchens and have met many wonderful people. I sometimes feel like a bird venturing into territories unknown at times, but who said you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks LOL… hmm maybe I’m a bird dog.lol, from the way I flick around I’m more known as the “blue arsed fly” LMAO.
I so love my psp and creating. I find it challenging to learn all about building websites and coding.
Having this site to play with and in all I am learning is so much fun. Sharing with you in what I have learned and my art makes me smile.

Anyways, that just about sums it up. You will find more about me in the “Many Shades of Blue” pages. Please be patient as I put them up…I am just into revamping again and it’s taking me time to get them all up 😉
While you’re here, take a peek. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I’d love to know you dropped by and hear what you think about my site.

Catch you later…
April 2019